Sunday, January 3, 2010

Money, the Humane Society of the United States and lastly--the Animals

Just in case you've been wondering where Humane Society of the United States funds really go:

It's not much of a secret where the funds do _not_ go. For 2008:
 "HSUS gave only a little more than
  $450,000—that’s just half of one
  percent of its total budget—in
  grants to organizations providing
  hands-on care to dogs and cats."

 "HSUS is a multinational conglomerate
  with ten regional offices in the United
  States and a special Hollywood Office
  that promotes and monitors the media’s
  coverage of animal-rights issues.
  It includes a huge web of organizations,
  affiliates, and subsidiaries. Some are
  nonprofit, tax-exempt “charities,” while
  others are for-profit taxable corporations,
  which don’t have to divulge anything about
  their financial dealings."

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