Friday, November 27, 2009

"Yes, Sarah, there IS a Media conspiracy"

The GOP would like to ignore Palin, but they can't. Oddly enough, the Democrats seem to understand a little better how much of a threat she is.

 "So Sarah Palin is now in that category of politician
  whom reporters feel safe in attacking.

 "Some of this is definitely her own fault.... Hillary's
  campaign had the same problem, particularly after
  Iowa, [Hillary's] press handlers...openly treated
  the trail reporters like a swarm of venomous insects....
  Once the politician-reporter relationship reaches that
  level, that candidacy is going to be in serious trouble.

 "Obama’s press people, meanwhile, behaved like a
  team of well-trained Starbuck’s baristas: quiet,
  accommodating, nonconfrontational. Then again, the
  reporters mostly all worshipped [Obama], so they
  didn’t have any reason to behave otherwise. That part
  of the media-conspiracy narrative is definitely true.

 "I remember one particular trip when Obama came
  back to our part of the plane wearing jeans and a
  white button-down shirt and there was audible chirping
  from several female reporters. ...getting photographed
  with Obama was like a rite of passage.... Needless
  to say nothing like that went on in the Hillary press
  corps, or more especially in the McCain plane....

  -- Matt Taibbi

Read it all, here.