Friday, October 15, 2010


These are known terrorist organizations or have been associated with, or named as co-conspirators with, known terrorist organizations active in the United states of America, today:

MSA National (Muslim Students' Association) dedicated to establishing and maintaining Islamic societies on college campuses in Canada and the United State, the precursor of the Islamic Society of North America

ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) based in Plainfield IN, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case;

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) based in Washington DC, has regional offices nationwide and in Canada, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case;

NAIT (North American Islamic Trust) a Saudi-backed organization, also based in Plainfield IN, named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case;

[more may be added to this list, as there are many]

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Keffiyah Scarf, Fashion Trend or Political Statement?

"...a traditional headdress typically worn by Arab and Kurdish men
 made of a square of cloth (“scarf”), usually cotton, folded and
 wrapped in various styles around the head. It is commonly found
 in arid climate areas to provide protection from direct sun
 exposure, as well as for occasional use in protecting the mouth
 and eyes from blown dust and sand."

Keffiyah_Scarfs_- Fashion_Trend_or_Political_Statement?

The VFW: Lost in the Belt Way Maze

VFW Ignores Members and Sucks-up to Anti-Military DC Incumbents

"The fact is that when an organization gets wrapped up in the Washington political game
 its priorities get screwed up and it loses track of the true focus of its members because
 it is so busy chasing influence for influence’s sake.  That leads to fiascos like the VFW
 endorsing Hanoi Jane’s pal Barbara Boxer and overlooking a war hero like Allen West
 in favor of an incumbent big spender who thinks Hamburger Hill is a hip new Georgetown