Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Have newspapers buried themselves...?

 "Newspapers need to launch a national campaign to remind people
  how vital they are — while there are still papers left to run the story.
  In the futurist nightmare “Fahrenheit 451,” firemen are enlisted to
  burn all books and periodicals. In our real future, we won’t need to
  call fire fighters to banish newspapers. The newspapers seem to
  be doing it for us."

Article here: Have newspapers buried themselves in banality?

Friday, November 27, 2009

"Yes, Sarah, there IS a Media conspiracy"

The GOP would like to ignore Palin, but they can't. Oddly enough, the Democrats seem to understand a little better how much of a threat she is.

 "So Sarah Palin is now in that category of politician
  whom reporters feel safe in attacking.

 "Some of this is definitely her own fault.... Hillary's
  campaign had the same problem, particularly after
  Iowa, [Hillary's] press handlers...openly treated
  the trail reporters like a swarm of venomous insects....
  Once the politician-reporter relationship reaches that
  level, that candidacy is going to be in serious trouble.

 "Obama’s press people, meanwhile, behaved like a
  team of well-trained Starbuck’s baristas: quiet,
  accommodating, nonconfrontational. Then again, the
  reporters mostly all worshipped [Obama], so they
  didn’t have any reason to behave otherwise. That part
  of the media-conspiracy narrative is definitely true.

 "I remember one particular trip when Obama came
  back to our part of the plane wearing jeans and a
  white button-down shirt and there was audible chirping
  from several female reporters. ...getting photographed
  with Obama was like a rite of passage.... Needless
  to say nothing like that went on in the Hillary press
  corps, or more especially in the McCain plane....

  -- Matt Taibbi

Read it all, here.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Teachings of Islam

"Does Islam in reality teach the opposite of what we witness in the real world, and is it truly a religion of peace? Or, are we being duped by apologists of the faith?"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Checker Shadow Illusion

Squares "A" and "B" are the same shade of gray. Proof

Burt Rutan's 2009 Oshkosh Climate Change Presentation

"One aggressively selling a technical product, the merits of which depend on complex experimental data, is likely lying."
RUTAN 2009-08-05.ppt

Friday, August 7, 2009

Islam v Non-Islam

Relations with the Islamic world have a dangerous potential, possibly equalling that of any previous period in America's history. Below, a little food for thought...




1/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlkEYoKC-kA

2/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBc5V4Ph9n4

3/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKlXgRS9TZo

4/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJfXRPBpdiM

5/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYXqpBGimPA



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nugent on "Social Responsibility"

Sometimes the best way to introduce a highly charged subject is to present a most highly charged advocate.

One of the most sincere, energetic, and involved spokesmen for the Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms is Ted Nugent. The 60-year old "Motor City Madman" is not shy about his beliefs, and if you haven't been introduced to his style and his substance, you've missed a good show. Nugent was interviewed in 2007 by Evan Smith, during "Texas Monthly Talks", on KLRU Public TV in Austin,Texas.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

1984: Then and Now

If you bought a book legally, and someone took it from your shelf without your permission, how would you feel? Victimized, perhaps? What if a government allowed that taking, or even required it? Wouldn't that be...Orwellian? Shades of 1984, in other words, in which government censors erased all traces of news reports embarrassing to the government.

Well, don't look now folks, but Amazon.com recently did some erasing of their own. They remotely deleted books from their customers' Kindles, without asking or even announcing their intentions. But wait, it gets better. What makes this case especially juicy are the titles which Amazon deleted: the aforementioned 1984, and Orwell's classic tale of the perversion of democracy, Animal Farm. Irony thick enough to cut with a knife, right?

Amazon claims they will not do such a thing again, but why should anyone have the power to do so in the first place?

If you'd like to read either of the books in question online (or download a copy to keep), you can do so. You can, for example, Google "1984 download" and find more than one source. Isn't the Internet wonderful?

Other links: Volokh, 1984, Animal Farm